Project Description
Weber State University Department of Communication is hosting its first COMMfest this coming spring 2015 semester.
COMMfest will showcase the faculty’s work of shaping students into professional communicators. This event highlights what the department as a whole has been striving for throughout the school year.Each bachelor’s degree will present their accomplishments – from awards won, great student projects, and participation within the community and University.
Public Relations Society of America (PRSSA) is thrilled to be involved in the planning and execution this event. As future PR professionals, we are taking this opportunity to research what it is that student know and do not know about the communication department.
We will also be putting emphasis on the new Associate of Science in Communication that was launched this past year.
Did you know The Signpost, KWCR 88.1 FM, Studio 76, Wildcat ONE and Weber State Debate are all communication programs?