Newsjacking by Sydnie Foust

So what exactly is Newsjacking? It is when you have an opportunity to incorporate a current news event and add your own genius perspective.  If you have an opportunity to work a current even into your marketing strategy, it can be incredibly effective at creating traffic, interest, and humor into your brand.      A great […]

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Thomas Judd

I am a junior studying communication, specializing in public relations and advertising with a marketing emphasis. Currently, I work with the WSU Student Association as the Events & Activities Programming Director. I enjoy dreaming up events and opportunities and making them happen while blowing expectations out of the water. I hope to, one day, work […]

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Carnival Cruise Line and Crisis Management

When it comes to cruise lines throughout the world, there is theoretically one thing that may damage reputation more than almost anything else: crisis management in a time of need. Reputation is the most powerful thing a cruise line-and inevitably the actual ships themselves-have, linking it to general like or dislike from the public and in turn future revenues. Looking […]

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